Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama Assassination Poll

I have posted a deliberately provocative poll regarding people's estimates on the likelihood of Obama's assassination.  This is in no way meant to imply that I am looking forward to it.  To the contrary, it is my feeling that most people (including myself) truly fear this threat as real, and probably have specific notions as to the nature and urgency of the threat.  The fact that so many people have detailed thoughts but also feel that it is taboo indicated to me that the subject needs addressing.  Sometimes real things are ugly, and sometimes they make us fearful.  Take lynching, for instance- unpunished public humiliation, torture, and execution of citizens by a mob.  This really happened, perpetrated by real people (that likely were not "monsters," but considered by many to be quite ordinary).  We need to really come clean about our fears of the assassination of a popular black president, lest that fear insidiously and unconsciously guide our actions.

So: please vote in the poll, and leave a comment here if you'd like to address this issue.  You can comment even if you don't like the poll and refuse to participate in it.


Anonymous said...

Read this from the NYT today!

Anonymous said...

I bet the Secret Service is going bonkers. Would you want to be on the team that let the United States' first black president get assassinated? I would like to belive it will never happen, so I will put my fingers in my ears and say "la-la-la!" if you try to convince me otherwise.